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There is a switch going on. A GREEN switch. The switch from bottled water to reusable water containers has been seen across the country, in businesses, homes, waiting rooms, people are seeing the value in drinking from the tap of a filtered water system.   Even Nestlé, the world’s biggest food company, is seeing shrinking water sales as more people are switching to the tap, as reported in Bloomberg News reports. Nestle owns more than 60 water brands including Perrier, Vittel and Pure Life, the world’s best-selling label, and relies heavily on western Europe and North America.    The world’s biggest food company has been losing ground since 2006 as consumers switch to tap and filtered water and as concerns over the environmental impact of plastic packaging and energy used in transportation deter some shoppers, said Hope Lee, an analyst at Euromonitor International in London.     Consumers are driven by certain social trends, and recently many have found the regular manufacturing and delivery of plastic water bottles and jugs to be costly and damaging to the planet. Purchasing reusable water bottles and bottleless water coolers are affordable options for almost anyone. Filtered water dispensers can be installed in public and private spaces to give people the option to fill their reusable containers.   We can make the switch from bottled to bottleless quick and easy. Our certified water specialists will help you choose from a variety of purification systems and install it so you can enjoy great water on tap.

Carbon FootprintNot only is a bottleless cooler a better choice, we make it even better with Zerofootprint Certification and Filter Cartridge recycling.RO Recycle