Nov 23, 2017 | blog, Environment, Water Softener
Some of us – yes me included – like to see technical scientific proof that things work the way that companies tell us they do. If you are one of us, Water Quality Research Foundation recently published the results of some studies they performed....Aug 30, 2017 | blog, Environment, General
Definition: As policy moves towards doing a better job of encouraging higher efficiency for both water and energy use, the policy makers will find methods for credit industry of leading the charge. CWQA’s position on it: CWQA believes that water treatment in...Jun 5, 2017 | blog, General, Water Softener
No One! As much as those of us that sell them would like to believe no one loves their water softener. And if we think about it, we don’t love ours either. We love the water that a softener gives you! What do we love about a water softener? How many do you know?...