Maybe the water cooler with the replacement tanks works well enough for your business. Maybe filling your fridge with expensive cases of water bottles suits you fine. But no matter what kind of business you operate, improving your bottom line is probably always appealing. Installing a bottleless water cooler dispenser costs money up front — potentially a little more than a traditional cooler with a jug on top — but it can save you money and improve business efficiencies over time.There are lots of options available when purchasing a water dispenser. You can choose between different filtration methods, countertop models, number of temperature settings — and of course bottleless models. How do you know if it makes sense to go bottleless or not? Here are 4 reasons to go with a bottleless system:   1) You need to save space. You likely pay a water bill for your business, but if you have an old cooler with a tank, then you also buy those space-hogging replacement jugs. A bottleless water cooler dispenser saves space by bypassing the need for bulky tanks of water or stores of bottled water. They even come in countertop models — the ultimate space-saver. A countertop water cooler can be really important for small businesses where space is at a premium. A bottleless water cooler dispenser can be tucked unobtrusively in a kitchen or waiting room. You may also just prefer something smaller and more attractive for aesthetics reasons as well. 2) The environment is a concern. A bottleless water cooler avoids waste in the sense that you don’t have to dispose of plastic bottles when offering water to your employees and business associates. They keep millions of pounds of plastic from landfills, and doesn’t require the transportation of bulky tanks. If you buy expensive bottled water to offer your employees or customers, those costs add up over time. So, being less friendly to the environment actually costs more! Having your employees, clients and guests fill cups — preferably reusable — from a bottleless water cooler saves money over bottled water and it’s also just a more environmentally friendly way to do business. 3) Safe, pure water is important. Some 25 percent of bottled water is just overpriced H2o from the municipal water supply, according to the National Resources Defense Council. So, not only are you paying more for the convenience of drinking from little plastic bottles, you aren’t necessarily getting a healthy, filtered product. Most bottleless water coolers rely on a primary filtratio n process, which may include one of the following water filter types: Reverse osmosis, sediment and carbon, ultraviolet or ultra-filtration. The content of your municipal water or your particular concerns about water quality might determine which method makes sense for you. If you have an excellent source of pure, clean water, some models come without filtration. 4) You aim for convenience. You won’t throw out your back! Neither you nor your employees will have to change awkward tanks of water, wait for deliveries or even pick up replacement jugs yourself. Hot and cold water is available on demand. You can easily brew coffee or beverages, heat up instant soup and more. A bottleless water cooler system hooks up to your potable water line so you won’t have any interruption of service. 4) You want to improve your bottom line. An office water cooler without a tank is a cost-effective option for serving fresh, filtered water that comes right from your regular water line. It doesn’t require expensive replacement jugs or never-ending service contracts to deliver them. A bottleless water dispenser gets hooked to your regular water line and voila, you have fresh, drinkable water. Investing in a bottleless water cooler dispenser also creates more subtle business efficiencies. Everyone needs a break sometimes, however, providing hot water for beverages, instant soups and more may entice employees to stay in for coffee or lunch more often. Fresh, easy-to-access water is just a nice perk — and, in reality, an expected benefit — to offer in any commercial space.
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