Bottleless water coolers for Business!

The working world is fast paced. However, certain parts of a business may be slowing it down. Deliveries, for instance, are an annoyance. Professionals have to drop what they’re doing to survey the goods, check the invoice and make sure the supplies get put in the...

What Do We Do?

A lot of people do not really know what we do – friends, customers, suppliers . . . A lot of people have heard of us, know our name and know some of what we do but I want to take this opportunity to answer the question. Over 50 years ago, Andy Holmes saw a need...

A Green Switch

There is a switch going on. A GREEN switch. The switch from bottled water to reusable water containers has been seen across the country, in businesses, homes, waiting rooms, people are seeing the value in drinking from the tap of a filtered water system.   Even...
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