Water Treatment for Dummies

The Water Quality Association just published and ebook – Water Treatment for Dummies. It provides great information for the everyone. Here’s from the Introduction Water, water everywhere. But is it good and safe to drink or use? How can you tell if the...

Should You Drink Soft Water?

One of the most common questions that we hear about water softeners is whether we should drink the water. It’s a great question and one of the first things that I wanted to know when we started. A water softeners purpose is to remove the hardness minerals from...

The High Cost of Hard Water

Do you realize how much hard water costs you? We’ve been installing water softeners for 44 years, but today many people consider them a luxury. So we’ve put together some facts for you. A recent article by Money Talks News lists these effects of Hard...

Water Softener Checklist

If you are considering a water softener – and believe us you should be – take the time to look over this list. We have included things that we think are important to at least consider. There is some room at the bottom to add your own. Feature Ecowater...