If you are considering a water softener – and believe us you should be – take the time to look over this list. We have included things that we think are important to at least consider. There is some room at the bottom to add your own.
Other #1
Other #2
Appropriate size. To determine required capacity for your family, multiply: hardness in grains x Number of people x 65 gallons per person x 4 days for reserve capacity on demand softeners. Eg. for 5 people in Lethbridge:
13 gpg x 5 x 65 x 4 = 16,900 grains or larger water softener.
Demand recharge tracks water use and only recharges when needed – Saving Salt and Water
Cabinet Styling – softener and salt tank in one


Low voltage electronic timer for accuracy, reliability, and safety
Certified to appropriate NSF Standards
Zerofootprint certification – Certifying that there is no net carbon footprint
Bypass valve included – allowing service etc. without shutting off water supply
Plumbing installation included
Parts and Service available locally
Upflow brining increasing capacity, reduces salt consumption and makes softer water
1” full porting and connections for reduced pressure loss
Most Models
Remote monitor letting your know of any possible problems and when to add salt
Most Models
Electronic connection from softener over phone lines to diagnose problems
Most Models
Digital display showing capacity remaining and other valuable monitoring information
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Salt monitoring lets you know when you need to add salt
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Proportional brining only recharges the portion of the softening bed that has been used saving salt and water
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Stratified resin bed using 2 types of resin for more efficiency
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Chlorine removal option
Top Model
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