Jan 30, 2014 | blog, Water Softener
We hear a lot about water hardness, but what is it, where does it come from and what does it do? Chemically, water hardness is made up mostly by Calcium and Magnesium. Water is called the universal solvent, dissolving some of almost anything it comes in contact with....Jan 30, 2014 | blog, Environment, Water Softener
The need for water softeners on farm water can be similar to using one on municipal water, but many times private water supplies will be harder and make a water softener more needed. Softeners have been installed on farm water systems for many years and have been...Jan 15, 2014 | blog
One of the most common questions that we hear about water softeners is whether we should drink the water. It’s a great question and one of the first things that I wanted to know when we started. A water softeners purpose is to remove the hardness minerals from...