Aug 24, 2018 | blog, Drinking Water, Environment, General, Health, Save Money, Water Softener
With the new school year starting, many parents are packing their kids’ lunches with Sugary Juice Boxes, Sodas. All of which are costly and a poor substitute for what they really need. Drinking more water is a smart and healthy decision! But, you still have a lot of...
Jun 22, 2018 | blog, Drinking Water, Environment, General, Health, Save Money, Service
Maybe the water cooler with the replacement tanks works well enough for your business. Maybe filling your fridge with expensive cases of water bottles suits you fine. But no matter what kind of business you operate, improving your bottom line is probably always...
May 25, 2018 | blog, Drinking Water, Environment, General, Health, Save Money, Service
Fridge Filter Or Reverse Osmosis System? In most parts of Canada, getting fresh drinking water in your home is a convenience we all can enjoy. However, the quality of tap water coming directly from the faucet may not meet your expectations. Maybe you don’t like the...
Jun 18, 2015 | blog, Drinking Water, General
Reservoirs must be properly maintained to ensure the best possible water quality. Treatment of reservoirs may harm fish, and care should be taken. These procedures are based on our experience with reservoirs since 1968 and are our recommendations. They should be used...
May 14, 2015 | blog, Drinking Water, Health
We are made up of so much water, it should really make us think about the water that we consume. 85% of gray matter in the brain is water 83% of blood is water Even bone is 22% water. Total water in an average adult – 37 Liters Sound is conducted through the...
Oct 20, 2014 | blog, Drinking Water
The working world is fast paced. However, certain parts of a business may be slowing it down. Deliveries, for instance, are an annoyance. Professionals have to drop what they’re doing to survey the goods, check the invoice and make sure the supplies get put in the...