Aug 24, 2018 | blog, Drinking Water, Environment, General, Health, Save Money, Water Softener
With the new school year starting, many parents are packing their kids’ lunches with Sugary Juice Boxes, Sodas. All of which are costly and a poor substitute for what they really need. Drinking more water is a smart and healthy decision! But, you still have a lot of...
Apr 19, 2018 | blog, Energy Efficiency, Environment, General, Health, Salt, Save Money, Service, Water Softener
How Much Salt Should My Softener Be Using? If you live in Southern Alberta and are being supplied by a city water plant, your well aware of how hard our water is. Currently in Southern Alberta our water is a whopping 15 grains hard. If your wondering what that means,...
Nov 23, 2017 | blog, Environment, Water Softener
Some of us – yes me included – like to see technical scientific proof that things work the way that companies tell us they do. If you are one of us, Water Quality Research Foundation recently published the results of some studies they performed....
Jun 5, 2017 | blog, General, Water Softener
No One! As much as those of us that sell them would like to believe no one loves their water softener. And if we think about it, we don’t love ours either. We love the water that a softener gives you! What do we love about a water softener? How many do you know?...
Jul 1, 2014 | blog, Environment, Water Softener
My favorite response to this question is “A water softener doesn’t cost – it saves” A typical family of 4 will save $40 to $70 per month just by installing a water softener. But I know that is never the answer that you are looking for. If you...
Mar 5, 2014 | blog, Health, Water Softener
We’ve always considered hard water to be an aesthetic concern. You know: hard to clean bathtub ring and film on shower tiles, dry itchy skin after bathing, dramatically higher cleaning costs, increased heating and maintenance costs due to scale build up. But...